Headshot of Gmerice

Gmerice Hammond

My name is Gmerice and I am a practicing cardiologist and public health researcher.  In my practice, I utilize intensive lifestyle interventions to improve cardiovascular health outcomes. By integrating dietary and traditional medical therapeutics, I provide a hybrid approach to the prevention and management of cardiovascular atherosclerotic disease and related risk factors such as hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes, obesity and metabolic syndrome.  I am the Principal Investigator of the Hammond lab, where I study race and socioeconomic-based inequities in healthcare practices, policies and outcomes.  Finally, as a mother of three, I bring both experiential and technical knowledge, along with specialized credentials, to support women during this stage of their lives. In this stage group, participants will find a unique blend of medical expertise, experiential understanding, and a supportive community environment.

Postpartum Heart Health

Pregnancy significantly impacts cardiometabolic health, increasing the risk of obesity, diabetes, and hypertension. These risks are heightened with each pregnancy and disproportionately affect individuals in racialized communities and those vulnerable to social risks. Many women face challenges with weight gain, self-care, body image, and self-esteem during the antepartum and postpartum periods due to changes in physical strength, appearance, and health.

In my Stage group we will discuss evidence-based advice on managing and mitigating risks related to cardiovascular health during and after pregnancy.  We will review recommendations for diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes to improve overall health and well-being.

We will provide a safe space to share experiences, challenges, and successes with other women undergoing similar journeys.  Participants can expect to discuss lifestyle strategies designed to support physical, emotional, and mental health.  The intention is that participants will find tools and knowledge to take charge of their health and well-being, enhancing self-care and self-esteem.  By participating in this group, women will gain comprehensive support and expertise to navigate the complex health challenges associated with pregnancy and postpartum life, leading to improved health outcomes and a stronger sense of community.

Q: What can you expect from the Stage group?


Q: What is expected of you?


Q: What can you expect from me, your Stage leader?


Q: What can the group expect from each other?